Tuesday 24 September 2013

Audience Theories and Application to music videos

Audience Theories:
In class we have studied two audience theories, on is The Effects Model (or Hypodermic Model) by Croteau, Hoynes (1997) and Uses and Gratifications by Blumler and Katz (1974).

The Effects Model
This is the theory that media messages are 'injected' and fed to us - the audience, through media texts such as music videos, and television shows. My understanding of the theory is that the audience and the consumer are powerless to the media being shown to them. The media is a huge influence as it works like a drug and makes the audience feel addicted. This theory could be applied to music videos, because, for example, a young teenage girl who is easily influenced, watches a video of her favourite artist dancing in nice clothes and shoes, she will then feel as though she wants to copy this and recreate the message she has been fed through contemporary media.

Also music videos are generally narrative or performance based, both are equally influential. For example people may feel addicted to a singer who they want to feel as close as possible to, by watching their performances, or they want to know what is happening in their personal life so they watch the narrative videos to see this. In addition they may want to mimic what they see their favourite celebrities doing or what they're wearing.

Uses and Gratifications
This theory suggests that people consume media voluntarily. My understanding of this is that the consumer are active as opposed to passive. Blumler and Katz suggested that the four main reasons people want to consume media;
  • Information: finding out about events, seeking advice, learning, satisfying curiosity/interest, and security through knowledge.
  • Personal identity: reinforcing personal values, following role models, identifying with people in the media and spirituality.
  • Social interaction: finding a basis for conversation, identifying with others, gaining a sense of belonging, having a substitute for real life companionship, gaining insight into the circumstances of others, helping to carry out social roles, enabling one to connect with family, friends and society.
  • Entertainment: escaping, being diverted from problems, relaxing, getting cultural enjoyment, filling time, emotional release and sexual arousal.
I understand this could be applied to music videos as music videos provide satisfaction to fill these four criteria. Also people seek these things through music videos, therefore they want to view the media and be exposed to it, so it is voluntary. For example, the music video to  'Same Love - Macklemore and Ryan Lewis Feat. Mary Lambert actually fits into many of the criteria listed above. The video provides information, as it keeps the audience up to date with Macklemore's beliefs and ethics, also it follows the Personal Identity reason for watching music videos, this is because the issue discussed in the song is homophobia, this video would be very useful to someone who is struggling with sexuality, or someone who wants to follow Macklemore's beliefs as he is seen as a role model. The video is also a good basis for social interaction. The song discusses controversial issues, which makes good conversation topic for the audience to discuss with others. If none of the others, then it simply provides entertainment for the audience. There is a narrative based video to go with the song, that when combined together, provide entertainment and escape.

In one of our lessons we watched Chase and Status - Time ft. Delilah. The narrative to this 
video is about a family where the father domestically abuses the mother. It represents how it is affecting the mother and the children, in the end the daughter calls the police and has the father arrested.

The Effects Model can be applied to this video as it reinforces positive messages and it is automatically fed to the viewer. It communicates that domestic violence ruins families and it will never go unpunished. When messages are fed to audiences through media in a way like this, the message becomes automatically becomes an idea from society. A spectator choosing to watch this video would become powerless to the message from the video, the video represents the dominant representation of how bad domestic abuse is. The intention behind the video is to send a message to audiences that no matter what kind of involvement you may have in domestic abuse, it is still wrong.

Uses and Gratifications could also be applied to this video, as it can help those in the same situation to reach out for help, the charity that sponsor the video are shown at the end, which confirms that the message of the video is intended to help anyone in a similar situation. This video would also trigger social interaction, as it provokes a response from those watching. The video also enables those who need help to seek refuge in the mentioned charity, the video also has a powerful underlying message to help anyone who is in a similar situation, actually realise that what is happening is wrong, if they are perhaps being manipulated into believing that they are at fault.

The Effects Model could be applied to this music video because it is targeting a wide target audience. Britney Spears is a huge pop star and she is aiming her message at teenagers who feel trapped. Therefore the message that teenage girls need freedom and their own power in order to succeed is fed to her audience and they are powerless to picking up this message. This song and video can be a huge influence on those feeling overprotected.

Uses and Gratifications could also be applied to this music video as the audience can relate to the message. All four criteria can be applied to this music video as it provides entertainment as well as conveying a message and meaning. This video communicates information and satisfies curiosity and interest through providing meaning. It also provides personal identity, and reinforces personal values, especially for those who can relate to the song and find meaning. Also the aspect of social interaction, because Britney Spears, as a huge artist would create 'gossip' and provide a reason to watch the music video. Also the music video is mostly performance, so someone may watch the video, simply for the entertainment aspect.

Studying these theories has taught me some of the ways in which producers intend for audiences to perceive their media texts. This will be useful when I am creating my music video as it will help to influence me when I am deciding how to play homage to some of the ways that a music video can depict certain messages. 

Wednesday 11 September 2013

Introductory post

My name is Bethany Brewer, i am 18 years old and my candidate number is 3030. i am currently studying at Swakeleys sixth form. For my A2 media coursework I plan to create a music video of the pop genre, this will include a digipak and an advert promoting the song/artist. I will be working in a group of three, the other two members of my group being Amy Smith (3055) and Simran Takhar (3206).