Thursday 19 December 2013

Treatment Review

Todays activity was to get some feedback on our draft treatment from our peers, using a website called Padlet. This tool allowed our class members to tell us what they like and dislike about our ideas for a music video, and what should be thoght of in the process. This activity was useful as it taught us that our ideas are on the right lines for a pop music video, yet some of our ideas will need consideration about the reality of our ideas being succesful. This feedback will impact our final video, as it has given my group an outside persepective of some of our ideas, and has helped us realise that we may need to make some changes when it comes to filming.
One of the main issues that arose from peer feedback was that using a narrative concept may be hard to create when filming, as the nature of the song does not tell a story, and the lyrics are more compatible with a performance concept.

Monday 16 December 2013

Music Video Draft Treatment

Todays activity was to begin planning ideas for our music video, an create a treatment that detailed our video from beginning to end, and also included what technical equiptment we would need, what acting props/costume we would need and locations of the video.

This activity was useful as it allowed my group to come together and look at what kind of ideas would be realistic and what kind of ideas would work in line with expected conventions. Creating a treatment will impact our final video, because we will have something to follow when filming, to make it easier for us to go with our original ideas.