Tuesday 26 November 2013

Focus Group

Our activity for today was to design and ask some questions to a focus group, in order for us to determine what kind of things our target audience may want to see, including colour schemes, storylines, good/bad conventions to use etc. 

From my audience questionnaire I discovered that my audience preferred 'Domino' by Jessie J. Based on this we created a focus group of four people, and asked them questions to get further information about what they would like to see in our videos. The questions included;

  • What do you think would be a good storyline for a remake of 'Domino' by Jessie J?
  • What did you like about the 'Domino' video?
  • Is there anything in particular that you dislike about music videos?
  • What setting would suit a remake of 'Domino'?
  • What are your other favourite pop music videos?

From the focus group I discovered that our target audience thought that a party narrative would be suitable for a remake of 'Domino'. The responses from the focus group altered our original desicions, because before the focus group, some of our ideas were undecided, as we were unsure what would be effective and create the greatest impact. However the focus group responses showed that a bright colourful upbeat image and atmosphere would be the best thing to create, as it would please our target audience the most.

This activity was useful, when it comes to the impact it will have on our finalised music video, as it provides a type of guideline for us to follow when we are thinking of concepts and narratives to follow.

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