Tuesday 1 April 2014

Music Video preparations - Filming Schedule

Today we needed to come up with times and dates that were suitable for all group members to be available for filming. We decided that it is likely to be more convenient to film during free time at school, or weekends. After going through timetables, we decided to split the filming into five parts. To ensure we will have enough footage to accommodate for any mistakes or unconsidered issues that may arise, we have decided we will film the character performing the entire song in each outfit we have planned. We have chosen four outfits, and this will account for the first four sessions of filming and the fifth will be experimenting with different ways to film the bridge of the song, as we noticed it is conventional to have a different atmosphere for the bridge than the rest of the song. Below are the listed dates and times that we are planning to film;
Monday 3rd March 2014 - 12.25 - 13.10

  • Filming in costume one 

Thursday 6th March 2014 - 10.00 - 11.05

  • Filming in costume 2

Sunday 9th March 2014 - 12.00 - 13.00

  • Filming in costume 3
Wednesday 12th March 2014 - 14.25 - 15.00

  • Filming in costume 4
Thursday 13th March 2014 - 09.00 - 10.00

  • Filming the bridge part of the song

This activity has been helpful, as it has taught my group that planning is essential, as not sticking to a schedule can cause issues, as it is uncertain when another opportunity to film will arise Therefore we have noted that in order for us to stay on track and avoid falling behind, a schedule is essential and necessary. The impact of having a filming schedule will benefit our final video, as my group and I will have all of our filming done in time to start editing, so we are able to edit to the best of our abilities.

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